Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello my darling readers! Thus begins, yet again, the new beginning of my wonderful blog. Yes, this is in fact the 2nd time that I've changed my blog, but as you can see there weren't that many changes to be made. I just added some color. Lol! ;)

Currently I'm on campus sitting in the basement at a computer lab waiting for my next class to start. Then it's back home for food and sleep so that I can be on my game for the production that I'm on wardrobe crew for.

All in all it's gonna be a busy couple of weeks and I won't be able to post much...Just so you're aware.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Hello my fresia eyed friends! What do you think of my new blog?? Est tres belle non?? Is it not amazing?? And oh so beautiful....*sigh* I'm thrilled beyond words...Ahh the wonders of networking...I guess it really doesn't hurt to know the right people...;p
But really, what do ya'll think? Isn't this amazing? Obviously there are a few kinks that'll eventually be worked out..But for now..This is my fabulous new home!!