Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm not computer illiterate...I'm just technologically challeneged....

Well...I was on the marvelous invention, the computer, today...And I noticed something incredible...I know practically nothing....Now don't look shocked! I was given the blue screen of death and I found myself not only at a loss for words but at a loss of action!! What was I to do?? So I did the SCIENTIFICAL thing to do...Iny Minie Minie Moe...Until I came up with an answer...Which turned out to be to just stare at the thing....But ALAS!!! I fixed nothing...I learned nothing and I was left with a computer sized hole in my heart! Why? I know quite a bit about the human body...At least I have been told so. And I know how to cook and bake...to various degrees of success. But when faced with this thing...This piece of modern equipment that those around me sing the praises of, while they talk about how wonderful it is and how there hasn't been anything this wonderful since sliced bread...I can only wonder....Is there something wrong with me?? I realize that I have been called stupid...That I have the "midas" touch of doom when it comes to mechanics...But throwing aside my terrible luck with all things mechanical...Where did I go wrong?? WAS I even the one who went wrong?? No, I determined!! The fault lay with another!! MY MOTHER!!! That's right noble visage! MY OWN MOTHER!! The woman who has done so much for me went and made me technalogically...."special" .....and I am left with only the pain in my heart to comfort myself with! When noble souls try to teach me, my mothers training kicks in and all I hear is nonsensical gibberish and Latin....AND I SPEAK ENGLISH DARN IT!!! When these thoughts had run through my head I noticed that the sky was bluer...And that I wasn't alone...Yes, millions of American's, and I'd be willing to bet other nationals, HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH A COMPUTER when there is anything but smooth sailing...That's right!! I'm not alone! There are others who see a wigged out computer as a glorified paper weight! Redemption, though only capable through Christ you know what I mean here!!!, was at hand!! I decided that stupid I am, at least to a point, and I can accept that!! YOU HEAR ME GREAT GOD OF THE COMPUTER INDUSTRY!!! SMITE ME OH MIGHTY SMIGHTER!!!!...*sigh* Now that I've gotten that out of my system....In closing I only can say to those of you reading this who happen to be technical kung-fu masters whose kung-fu is strong...Look kindly upon us humble technilogically challeneged souls....We couldn't help it...Our mothers made us this way!! 


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Macs are not evil. Macs are technology. Ergo, technology is a good thing.

Seriously...if you ever buy a computer, consider a Mac...they're amazing. I love my compy (I call him Jake), and in 2 years he's failed me...once. Even though I accidentally kicked him off my bed several times!!

Chanel Blanc said...

lol! Does that make Jake a laptop?? Because I REALLY want to get one!!!...It would make my life that much easier.....And I'd be able to pay.....as soon as I get a job!!...LOL!!! ^_~