Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ok so this really touched me...

So whenever I'm around people I have do I delicately term this....problem with thinking that people hate me....Anyway so I was working, and yes I mean working. You see I have this belief that when you do something you should do it right the first time...And that you do it to the glory of God...and most people my age....well...they just don't see work that way. But I was helping with the June Dance show, and I could REALLY speak about that!, and I was working backstage. Which I don't normally do. I'm more of a front and center stage kinda gal. But I noticed that before each dance most of the girls got...a bit scared...and I decided that I would try to make it a little easier, not to mention helping them find their props and keep track of thier jewlery- which an earring didn't make it and I still feel bad about it-and so I, true to form, told joke and we sang songs and told stories and applauded and the like before and after...To make them feel ok about it all. And so Mrs. H asked me if I wanted to do it again this year....To which I said sure...Who wouldn't like an excuse to be around their friends and to see those friends dance....Like Monica!!! And somehow she ended up telling the dance girls about it...Don't ask me how....And they were so thrilled about it that they were like excited and happy..Now I have to step back and look at this from an objective perspective...WHAT IN THE WORLD DID I DO THAT WAS SO MARCIFULLY GREAT??!!! I mean a smile here a laugh there and some generous applause doesn't equal giddy dance girls! So they're excited to get to work with me for the Christmas show...And I'm touched that they even care/cared....And I can't help but wonder what in the merciful world I did to deserve that kinda reaction...But yeah...I just thought I'd share that....Have a great week.....end... 


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

I had written a response, but apparently it never showed...

Thank you so much for being willing to serve behind the scenes! It's not always fun, and certainly doesn't come with the accolades that performance does (who goes to see a movie just because of the costumier?), but it's SO IMPORTANT! As evidenced by your encouragement of the girls.

I'm more of a backstage servant, although I love being onstage every once in a while. During those moments before performing, however, it's so helpful to have someone encouraging there. Especially for people who haven't mastered the butterflies! I can HARDLY wait to see you!!!!!!!

Chanel Blanc said...

I can't wait to see you either....See Facebook for more details....And thanx, I never really understood the whole thing but now I think I do....And I just love being there to help people in any way that I can....Even if it's backstage...Which is why I chose Speech Path....Anywho...You certainly are an encouragement...And I just love "hearing" your voice....SEE YOU FRIDAY!!!!!

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Gal, you should call me if you want to hear my voice! Though...I must admit, I'm not much of a phone person, you know? And it's weird...when I talk to people, I never know whether to look them in the eyes or not. Why did that just come to my head? Eh, finals, I makes one's brain fracture.

YAYYYYYYYYYY la la la going to see Rae...I shall call you on Thurs just 'cos I'm so excited to be in Ohio that OK? Then we can have like...a pre-meeting rally of giggle fits or something. Ah, Hawaii, why is it you're so fascinating until I must write 8 pages about you?

Chanel Blanc said...

Calling would be fine dearest! And it would certainly make me laugh!! I usually just look people in the eyes no matter what....It's more professional that way...At least that's what my mom, the ex-business shark, says....So I follow the leader so to speak!

I know what you mean about finals...and today I have an interview over at Akron with the dean of the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department to see about transferring.....I'm SO nervous....Anywho...I HATE finals! It's not that the exams themselves are bad...It's just the psychological torture that they use on us that makes the brain turn into mush....And THAT is the part that I hate!

o.O An 8 page paper on Hawaii??!! WHAT THE MERCY ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO WRITE ABOUT??!! The wonders of surfing?? How tiny the island is? What kind of fashion statements the people make?? How to identify and shell a macadamian nut??....I mean even if you wrote about ALL of the above you still wouldn't have 8 pages....That's just CRAZY???!!! I'm SO sorry for you!! T_T