Monday, October 06, 2008

A Poll of Sorts

So my fandom. I pose a question to you. I have some poetry that I've been considering posting, but am not entirely certain that I should. If ya'll say "yay" then post I shall, but if you say "nay" then think no more on the subject.

It's actually some of the first bits of poetry that I've written, just for myself. And not for a class. And being a "sensitive artist" I'm a bit wary of the responses that I'll get. But whatever!

Lemme know


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

I LURRRRVVV poetry! (LURRRRVV, by the way, means "love.")

Chanel Blanc said...

ok. i love poetry too...

"but a bad sonnet can kill love stone dead..."

The Stranger said...

Please, let us hear the breath of your soul. ^_^

Chanel Blanc said...

very poetic...;-p

Chanel Blanc said...

aim is a new love of mine...