Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Wyrder...(Boy Were You Wrong)

So today I randomly decided to check my blog and low and behold people had left comments...Now this isn't normally odd, but this time it was people I don't know. So I'd like to take a moment and say, YAY UK!! Woot!! YAY!! Apparently my blog's made it to the UK, and that totally rocks! So all you UKers out there, leave me a comment! I find it interesting to know what people think, so start a conversation already! (Really, I'm that bored!!)

On another note, Monday I went to the phlebotomist to get my blood drawn to test for diabetes and other stuffs that I'm not aware of, and after getting stabbed three separate times in both arms, and having a burst vein, I was sent home. Literally, I was unable to bleed, there wasn't any blood when she pulled the needle out! And my brother was convinced that it's because I'm a vampire and therefore am unable to bleed.

So, she was like, umm..you're really dehydrated soooo...Drink a lot of water and then come back. So the next day I went back, after drinking an obscene amount of water (really, if 70% of the human body is water and then I was drinking enough water to make it like all 100%) and Tuesday I went in and was actually able to give blood! The lady got the blood that she needed to perform the stupid tests!

And now I'm left to wait....and wait....and wait....and wait...And I'm still waiting, and it's the waiting that's killing me. I want to know what my results are!! UGH!

And now I'm off to help plan the June Show....Until next time!

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