Friday, July 14, 2006

Ah, Tis a Lovelyeth Morn' For Shakespeare

Ah, Hear ye! Hear ye! All who haveth sought the knowledge contained herein in my vasteth braineth. Thy time to learneth mightily is nigh!!

Foreth tonighteth and tonighteth onily shall thy unquenchable thirst be satisfied! Verily I say unto you unless you wish to be mightily ignorant thou shalt taketh advantageth ofeth this offereth of savingeth knowledge! Ask the oldeth man ofeth the mountaineth whateth questionseth thou shalt haveth and they shall be answered unto thou accordingeth to thy Faith . . eth.

Tis a sad statementeth thateth the firsteth one who shalt cometh forth shall be therewith servedeth firsteth! Tis also askethed by my lawyereth thateth thereth beith noeth fighteths for the spoteths. Weeth claimeth noeth responsibilityeth foreth the concussioneths and other mightily unpleasenteth thingseths that shall and moreth than likelyeth willeth befalleth thou!

Alsoeth oneth a moreth pleasenteth noteeth I shalleth beith goingith to the shakespeareth playeth witheth the Mallinakeths tonighteth . . . We thinkith!


Laedelas Greenleaf said...

REALLY???? I LOVE SHAKESPEARE! Well, his writing, at least. At leasteth. And my tongue is tired just by reading all those "-ths"es. What play are you going to see?

By Hosea's Cow, Usurp Jolly William!

Jason said...

Laedelas, the play was Much Ado About Nothing. You can check out the troupe's website here. But, Rae, where were you all? Did the weather keep you away or did you just decide to go on a different night?

Bring Red Noodles Or The Zebra's Kool-Aid

Chanel Blanc said...

I shall now dispell all myths concerning the said event of Friday! Heregoeseth!! We were going to go with y'all, but Mom and I weren't feeling the greatest . . . And since I had been sick till the middle of that week I didn't want to risk it . . . Memories of when we left Pirates are flooding my mind . . . So we stayed home. We also figured we could go on a different night and Dan and Kat wanted to see Macbeth more than they wanted to see Much Ado About Nothing. . . So that answers that . . . I think . . .

On another note I was only teasing you Jason when we talked last Sunday! I didn't mean to offend or anything . . . It kinda occurred (yeah, my spelling is aweful) that it might have been, or seemed, to be in a different spirit than what I had intended . . . So sorry. I never got to tell you THIS Sunday because I spent the whole time talking to your sisters . . . And I never saw you . . . . Yeah . . . So. Sorry!

Xylaphones Never Do Unseemly Humdingers Socially!!