Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ok so this really touched me...
So whenever I'm around people I have do I delicately term this....problem with thinking that people hate me....Anyway so I was working, and yes I mean working. You see I have this belief that when you do something you should do it right the first time...And that you do it to the glory of God...and most people my age....well...they just don't see work that way. But I was helping with the June Dance show, and I could REALLY speak about that!, and I was working backstage. Which I don't normally do. I'm more of a front and center stage kinda gal. But I noticed that before each dance most of the girls got...a bit scared...and I decided that I would try to make it a little easier, not to mention helping them find their props and keep track of thier jewlery- which an earring didn't make it and I still feel bad about it-and so I, true to form, told joke and we sang songs and told stories and applauded and the like before and after...To make them feel ok about it all. And so Mrs. H asked me if I wanted to do it again this year....To which I said sure...Who wouldn't like an excuse to be around their friends and to see those friends dance....Like Monica!!! And somehow she ended up telling the dance girls about it...Don't ask me how....And they were so thrilled about it that they were like excited and happy..Now I have to step back and look at this from an objective perspective...WHAT IN THE WORLD DID I DO THAT WAS SO MARCIFULLY GREAT??!!! I mean a smile here a laugh there and some generous applause doesn't equal giddy dance girls! So they're excited to get to work with me for the Christmas show...And I'm touched that they even care/cared....And I can't help but wonder what in the merciful world I did to deserve that kinda reaction...But yeah...I just thought I'd share that....Have a great week.....end...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I'm not computer illiterate...I'm just technologically challeneged....
Well...I was on the marvelous invention, the computer, today...And I noticed something incredible...I know practically nothing....Now don't look shocked! I was given the blue screen of death and I found myself not only at a loss for words but at a loss of action!! What was I to do?? So I did the SCIENTIFICAL thing to do...Iny Minie Minie Moe...Until I came up with an answer...Which turned out to be to just stare at the thing....But ALAS!!! I fixed nothing...I learned nothing and I was left with a computer sized hole in my heart! Why? I know quite a bit about the human body...At least I have been told so. And I know how to cook and various degrees of success. But when faced with this thing...This piece of modern equipment that those around me sing the praises of, while they talk about how wonderful it is and how there hasn't been anything this wonderful since sliced bread...I can only wonder....Is there something wrong with me?? I realize that I have been called stupid...That I have the "midas" touch of doom when it comes to mechanics...But throwing aside my terrible luck with all things mechanical...Where did I go wrong?? WAS I even the one who went wrong?? No, I determined!! The fault lay with another!! MY MOTHER!!! That's right noble visage! MY OWN MOTHER!! The woman who has done so much for me went and made me technalogically...."special" .....and I am left with only the pain in my heart to comfort myself with! When noble souls try to teach me, my mothers training kicks in and all I hear is nonsensical gibberish and Latin....AND I SPEAK ENGLISH DARN IT!!! When these thoughts had run through my head I noticed that the sky was bluer...And that I wasn't alone...Yes, millions of American's, and I'd be willing to bet other nationals, HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH A COMPUTER when there is anything but smooth sailing...That's right!! I'm not alone! There are others who see a wigged out computer as a glorified paper weight! Redemption, though only capable through Christ you know what I mean here!!!, was at hand!! I decided that stupid I am, at least to a point, and I can accept that!! YOU HEAR ME GREAT GOD OF THE COMPUTER INDUSTRY!!! SMITE ME OH MIGHTY SMIGHTER!!!!...*sigh* Now that I've gotten that out of my system....In closing I only can say to those of you reading this who happen to be technical kung-fu masters whose kung-fu is strong...Look kindly upon us humble technilogically challeneged souls....We couldn't help it...Our mothers made us this way!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I Once Was Lost But Now Am Found....Was Lost In The Dark But Now Am In The Light!!!
Today is an interesting day. Aside from coming to a mind boggling conclusion.....Which I shall now allude to that you may share in my perplexity and amusement.
I have a friend, and you know who you are, who has been "hinting" that I have a problem. Namely that I am disturbingly addicted to Facebook. Which is a problem as I value what that friend has to say. And the friend in question has taken to laughing every time he sees me coming for the amusement that my addiction causes him. Though he has no respect for the struggling artist who is addicted to the power of always being able to procrastinate and goof off...Yes, Facebook is many things. All of them imposible, and the most important one is that it is addicting and aweful. Facebook, I am now convinced, was created soley for the purpose of giving college students an opportunity to waste time that might otherwise be spent usefully. Not that that is always bad. On the contrary it can be GOOD....It can be VERY good....But that is not usually the case. And that is the problem. But it is used by the wyrd people of the world to find their next victim. Yes, it is a cruel world and you are now fully informed. Facebook is pure evil.
But this is all to say that I am going on Facebook Hiatus.....At least from many parts of it...I shall still respond to messages that are being sent to me by friends that I don't normally see...It would be a shame to ignore them....But I shall take a break to come to a realization of myself and my goals and to come to a better understanding of where I am going in life and just HOW I intend to get there....But if I can do all of that in a day...Then imagine what I could do with 7 days....
My friend and I are starting a Non-Profit Organization that accepts donations from concerned parents. And we shall make T-Shirts for our patients to wear. And we shall help THE HELPLESS TO OVERCOME THEIR AWEFUL ADDICTION!!!! YES!! WE SHALL CHANGE THE WORLD!!! ONE T-SHIRT AT A TIME....ONE CONCERNED PARENT AT A TIME!!!!! THE WORLD SHALL BE CLEANSED FROM THE MIGHTY EVIL OF THE FACEBOOK!!!...yeah..ok...that's enough of that....We shall be giving therapy to the many children of the concerned parent(s) and showing them the error of their ways....And lead them to the LIGHT!!! YES WE SHALL LEAD THE TORTURED CHILDREN TO THE LIGHT!!! AWAY FROM THE EVIL DARKNESS THAT FACEBOOK HAS BECOME!!!!
And if you need help, contact information shall become available upon request.....This isn't free...But the t-shirts will be...Once we get donations......
Today is an interesting day. Aside from coming to a mind boggling conclusion.....Which I shall now allude to that you may share in my perplexity and amusement.
I have a friend, and you know who you are, who has been "hinting" that I have a problem. Namely that I am disturbingly addicted to Facebook. Which is a problem as I value what that friend has to say. And the friend in question has taken to laughing every time he sees me coming for the amusement that my addiction causes him. Though he has no respect for the struggling artist who is addicted to the power of always being able to procrastinate and goof off...Yes, Facebook is many things. All of them imposible, and the most important one is that it is addicting and aweful. Facebook, I am now convinced, was created soley for the purpose of giving college students an opportunity to waste time that might otherwise be spent usefully. Not that that is always bad. On the contrary it can be GOOD....It can be VERY good....But that is not usually the case. And that is the problem. But it is used by the wyrd people of the world to find their next victim. Yes, it is a cruel world and you are now fully informed. Facebook is pure evil.
But this is all to say that I am going on Facebook Hiatus.....At least from many parts of it...I shall still respond to messages that are being sent to me by friends that I don't normally see...It would be a shame to ignore them....But I shall take a break to come to a realization of myself and my goals and to come to a better understanding of where I am going in life and just HOW I intend to get there....But if I can do all of that in a day...Then imagine what I could do with 7 days....
My friend and I are starting a Non-Profit Organization that accepts donations from concerned parents. And we shall make T-Shirts for our patients to wear. And we shall help THE HELPLESS TO OVERCOME THEIR AWEFUL ADDICTION!!!! YES!! WE SHALL CHANGE THE WORLD!!! ONE T-SHIRT AT A TIME....ONE CONCERNED PARENT AT A TIME!!!!! THE WORLD SHALL BE CLEANSED FROM THE MIGHTY EVIL OF THE FACEBOOK!!!...yeah..ok...that's enough of that....We shall be giving therapy to the many children of the concerned parent(s) and showing them the error of their ways....And lead them to the LIGHT!!! YES WE SHALL LEAD THE TORTURED CHILDREN TO THE LIGHT!!! AWAY FROM THE EVIL DARKNESS THAT FACEBOOK HAS BECOME!!!!
And if you need help, contact information shall become available upon request.....This isn't free...But the t-shirts will be...Once we get donations......
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
My Great Apologies....
Well...Today is a sad day for me...I have come to realize that I haven't posted anything
worth reading in over a month....This saddens me....As I have lost....hmm...Wait....What
HAVE I lost exactly....I'm not entirely sure....But IF I HAD lost something it would be
the interest of my readers/viewers. That is a sad thing to loose...I am in morning....I
shall wear black for the next 10 minutes......1..........2........3.........4...........5.............6......
7.............8..................9....................10.........................Ok. 10 minutes over....
It has been brought to my attention that I am uninteresting, unimaginative, and all
together boring....I shall let you wait a moment to let that sink in....Yes, for all of you
"lucky" people who know me, I have FINALLY been told the truth. I am boring.
Of all the things to be told, that MUST be the worst. And I have finally been told it.
That hurts on a personal level.....Here....*beats heart* I am now left wondering what
I am fit for. My life is oddly empty....ok...Drama over. Seriously though. I haven't
written anything worth reading for quite a long time....And for those of you who have
actually checked....Congrats! You're VERY special....And possibly stalking me......
Oh, well....I guess I can't have it all....But I suppose I shall now relate a funny story....
Or at least a story I find amusing....You must judge whether or not it meets company
standards....So I am in a poetry and story writing class....Ok...Fine...It's an INTRO to
creative writing.....THERE! Happy??And the professor is......."Interesting"...she is of
the opinion that my writing is SO terrible that when she hands it back you can barely
distinguish the actual typing from all the blood from her red pen....And for those of
you who don't write....That means she makes it bleed....And it is the red pen of doom!!!
AN END AS WE KNOW IT!!!!! THE RED PEN OF DOOM...doom..doom...doom....doom...
and unrelatable screams*So when we do poetry we aren't allowed to rhyme. And when
I say that the storm will break....What is the first thing that comes to mind??.............
I'll give you a couple of seconds..........The STORM WILL START!!!??? She told
me that when I used that phrase it was confusing and that she didn't know what I MEANT!!!
FOR PITY'S SAKE, I am sorry pity that I must use your name like this but I must so bear
with me.......You can send me the damage charges later....She then proceeded to ask the
REST of the class, all 4 of them, what THEY thought and NO ONE KNEW WHAT THE
PITY I MEANT! I call that Irony...And that means that my life is now full of it...But aside from
that rant, I'm very sorry that I made you "listen" to it, things have been normal. Well...As
normal as things get for me....Hmm....That doesn't really qualify as a "funny" story....More
like a sad one....Ok! I know!!! I'll tell a joke!!! HEY!!!! GET BACK HERE!!! That WASN'T your cue to run and hide!!! hehe.... I learned this joke in gradeschool...So 3 guys walk into a bar and the 4th one ducks.....o.O................ok...It wasn't THAT lame....mebbe just a 4 on the lame-o-meter......bear with me....So the stage make-up that has red in it...Well I was told that the red can cause blindness when put near the eye....So naturally I have been trying to avoid it like it's the plague....But that isn't possible when it is an intrigal part of turning yourself into a cat....
Don't ask it's just too painful!
Hmm....So I will be doing most, if not all, of the cooking for Thanksgiving....It's kinda part of the Birthday present I'm giving my Mom...That way she can talk to ME while I cook instead of the other way around...Not that that really happens like that...I usually help with most of the cooking, but there are some things that I just don't cook. And I thought that this year, since I'm old enough, I'd give her a break for a change and do it myself....So if you end up hearing that we ate take-out then don't be surprised!!!
Have a GREAT Turkey DAY!!!!(Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!! Turkey Day just sounds cuter)
worth reading in over a month....This saddens me....As I have lost....hmm...Wait....What
HAVE I lost exactly....I'm not entirely sure....But IF I HAD lost something it would be
the interest of my readers/viewers. That is a sad thing to loose...I am in morning....I
shall wear black for the next 10 minutes......1..........2........3.........4...........5.............6......
7.............8..................9....................10.........................Ok. 10 minutes over....
It has been brought to my attention that I am uninteresting, unimaginative, and all
together boring....I shall let you wait a moment to let that sink in....Yes, for all of you
"lucky" people who know me, I have FINALLY been told the truth. I am boring.
Of all the things to be told, that MUST be the worst. And I have finally been told it.
That hurts on a personal level.....Here....*beats heart* I am now left wondering what
I am fit for. My life is oddly empty....ok...Drama over. Seriously though. I haven't
written anything worth reading for quite a long time....And for those of you who have
actually checked....Congrats! You're VERY special....And possibly stalking me......
Oh, well....I guess I can't have it all....But I suppose I shall now relate a funny story....
Or at least a story I find amusing....You must judge whether or not it meets company
standards....So I am in a poetry and story writing class....Ok...Fine...It's an INTRO to
creative writing.....THERE! Happy??And the professor is......."Interesting"...she is of
the opinion that my writing is SO terrible that when she hands it back you can barely
distinguish the actual typing from all the blood from her red pen....And for those of
you who don't write....That means she makes it bleed....And it is the red pen of doom!!!
AN END AS WE KNOW IT!!!!! THE RED PEN OF DOOM...doom..doom...doom....doom...
and unrelatable screams*So when we do poetry we aren't allowed to rhyme. And when
I say that the storm will break....What is the first thing that comes to mind??.............
I'll give you a couple of seconds..........The STORM WILL START!!!??? She told
me that when I used that phrase it was confusing and that she didn't know what I MEANT!!!
FOR PITY'S SAKE, I am sorry pity that I must use your name like this but I must so bear
with me.......You can send me the damage charges later....She then proceeded to ask the
REST of the class, all 4 of them, what THEY thought and NO ONE KNEW WHAT THE
PITY I MEANT! I call that Irony...And that means that my life is now full of it...But aside from
that rant, I'm very sorry that I made you "listen" to it, things have been normal. Well...As
normal as things get for me....Hmm....That doesn't really qualify as a "funny" story....More
like a sad one....Ok! I know!!! I'll tell a joke!!! HEY!!!! GET BACK HERE!!! That WASN'T your cue to run and hide!!! hehe.... I learned this joke in gradeschool...So 3 guys walk into a bar and the 4th one ducks.....o.O................ok...It wasn't THAT lame....mebbe just a 4 on the lame-o-meter......bear with me....So the stage make-up that has red in it...Well I was told that the red can cause blindness when put near the eye....So naturally I have been trying to avoid it like it's the plague....But that isn't possible when it is an intrigal part of turning yourself into a cat....
Don't ask it's just too painful!
Hmm....So I will be doing most, if not all, of the cooking for Thanksgiving....It's kinda part of the Birthday present I'm giving my Mom...That way she can talk to ME while I cook instead of the other way around...Not that that really happens like that...I usually help with most of the cooking, but there are some things that I just don't cook. And I thought that this year, since I'm old enough, I'd give her a break for a change and do it myself....So if you end up hearing that we ate take-out then don't be surprised!!!
Have a GREAT Turkey DAY!!!!(Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!! Turkey Day just sounds cuter)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Healer as she is.....
Embarassment of Epic Proportions ....For many COG guys....You know who you are....BWAHA!!!
If you know Brian Chima...yeah...Be afraid...Be VERY afraid....I know I am....He has WAY too much time on his hands! Someone needs to get that boy a's pretty much*sigh* I just don't get it....
If you know Brian Chima...yeah...Be afraid...Be VERY afraid....I know I am....He has WAY too much time on his hands! Someone needs to get that boy a's pretty much*sigh* I just don't get it....
Monday, October 23, 2006
A Contest of Epic PROPORTIONS.....................
Here Ye...Here Ye... I have now decided that the WONDERFUL DYNAMIC DUO, you two know who you are, need a theme song...So You all must make one!!
That's right. I'm asking you, the faithful. The few. The proud, the Brave. To make a theme song for a couple of wonderful gals.....No naming names...Not yet...But you must post you entries before a time that shall be anounced at a later date....And please, be original...I already TRIED to get rights to the Batman theme song....It didn't work out...
That's right. I'm asking you, the faithful. The few. The proud, the Brave. To make a theme song for a couple of wonderful gals.....No naming names...Not yet...But you must post you entries before a time that shall be anounced at a later date....And please, be original...I already TRIED to get rights to the Batman theme song....It didn't work out...
Here Ye...Here Ye... I have now decided that the WONDERFUL DYNAMIC DUO, you two know who you are, need a theme song...So You all must make one!!
That's right. I'm asking you, the faithful. The few. The proud, the Brave. To make a theme song for a couple of wonderful gals.....No naming names...Not yet...But you must post you entries before a time that shall be anounced at a later date....And please, be original...I already TRIED to get rights to the Batman theme song....It didn't work out...
That's right. I'm asking you, the faithful. The few. The proud, the Brave. To make a theme song for a couple of wonderful gals.....No naming names...Not yet...But you must post you entries before a time that shall be anounced at a later date....And please, be original...I already TRIED to get rights to the Batman theme song....It didn't work out...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Car of DOOM!!!!
Ok so you all pretty much know that I've been trying to get a car . . . And my grandmother doesn't drive and has a car that is literally just collecting dust in her garage. So it's a match made in heaven . . . Anywho so she has told me that she'll give me the car and then later that day she changes her mind only to change her mind AGAIN the next morning. . . And we've been going through this for several days. . . . . So last night we prayed about it and she finally let us come and get this car that hasn't been started in like 3 or 4 years . . . . And now it's sitting on the backyard lawn getting cleaned off by all the rain . . . And the only thing left to do is have it checked to see if it's safe to drive . . . BUT I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! HAPPY ME HAPPY ME HAPPY ME!!! OH LALA!!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY!! I'M HAPPY, SO HAPPY . . . ALL THE TIME!!!! AHH I LOVE GOD!!! He is so amazing!! He takes a situation that would otherwise be explosive and turns it into something that is a wonderful blessing to my and mine!!!! GIVE HIM HIS PROPS!!! He Rox HARD!!! YAY!!!!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
A poem presentation . . . Sweet Melancholy!
This poem is kinda on the bitter side, but I find it amusing! Lemme know whatcha think!!
Revenge by Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Ay, gaze upon her rose-wreath'd hair,
And gaze upon her smile;
Seem as you drank the very air
Her breath perfumed the while;
And wake for her the gifted line,
That wild and witching lay,
And swear your heart is as a shrine,
That only holds her sway.
'Tis well: I am revenged at last;--
Mark you that scornful cheek,--
The eye averted as you pass'd,
Spoke more than words could speak.
Ay, now by all the bitter tears
That I have shed for thee,--
The racking doubts the burning fears,--
Avenged they well may be--
By the nights pass'd in sleepless care,
The days of endless woe;
All that you taught my heart to bear,
All that yourself will know.
I would not wish to see you laid
Within an early tomb;
I should forget how you betray'd,
And only weep your doom:
Vut this is fitting punishment,
To live and love in vain,--
O my wrung heart, be thou content,
And feed upon his pain.
Go thou and watch her lightest sigh,--
Thine own it will not be;
And bask beneath her sunny eye,--
It will not turn on thee.
'Tis well: the rack, the chain, the wheel,
Far better hadst thou proved;
Ev'n I could almost pity feel,
For thou art not beloved.
Revenge by Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Ay, gaze upon her rose-wreath'd hair,
And gaze upon her smile;
Seem as you drank the very air
Her breath perfumed the while;
And wake for her the gifted line,
That wild and witching lay,
And swear your heart is as a shrine,
That only holds her sway.
'Tis well: I am revenged at last;--
Mark you that scornful cheek,--
The eye averted as you pass'd,
Spoke more than words could speak.
Ay, now by all the bitter tears
That I have shed for thee,--
The racking doubts the burning fears,--
Avenged they well may be--
By the nights pass'd in sleepless care,
The days of endless woe;
All that you taught my heart to bear,
All that yourself will know.
I would not wish to see you laid
Within an early tomb;
I should forget how you betray'd,
And only weep your doom:
Vut this is fitting punishment,
To live and love in vain,--
O my wrung heart, be thou content,
And feed upon his pain.
Go thou and watch her lightest sigh,--
Thine own it will not be;
And bask beneath her sunny eye,--
It will not turn on thee.
'Tis well: the rack, the chain, the wheel,
Far better hadst thou proved;
Ev'n I could almost pity feel,
For thou art not beloved.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Me, Myself and I
Well in order to put up this pic I had to put it on the web. So here is the pic and something funny to boot! I was wondering if ya'll thought is this was a good pic or not??
Not much to upload. My Mom and I are both sick and I, and prolly her too, am getting sick of all this coughing! It is starting to be painful, in a I laugh and cough at the same time . . . Wait! That's just another form of multi-tasking!! Hey! I might be creating a new art form!! Or even a new hobby. . . . Hmm . . . Soo many possibilities!! . . . .
Friday, September 15, 2006
A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED!!! And anyone with a younger brother will be able to realte, if not now than later in life!!
Today REALLY makes me feel old. . . . My little Bro' the kid I've been looking out for forever is stronger than I am . . . That in and of itself doesn't bother me but he lifted me up no prob. . . . Man I feel old. . . . Next thing I know he'll be so tall I'll have to bend over backwards to look him in the face . . . Being the older sibling just ain't what it'z cracked up to be.
On the other hand I also feel pretty good. If he can pick me up . . . . Yeah if you're a girl you're prolly where I am at the whole weight thing!! . . . So maybe it's not SO bad. After all right now I feel pretty good. . .
On the other hand I also feel pretty good. If he can pick me up . . . . Yeah if you're a girl you're prolly where I am at the whole weight thing!! . . . So maybe it's not SO bad. After all right now I feel pretty good. . .
Friday, September 08, 2006
The truth about the Irish post
Well, I was look at some groups on facebook and an Irish one had that on their page as part of the info about them. I kinda liked the poems so I "borrowed" them to post on my blog. . . Since they weren't copyrighted I feel no obligation to start spouting legal mumbo jumbo.
On another note I'm in a Creative Writing class and the professor reminds me of professor Trilawny, a Harry Potter reference from years ago when I read it, and so my last post was the poem that I wrote for class today. You see we have a poem do every Friday and so I had Mom and Kat read it over to proof read it for me and since they died laughing I thought that I would share it with the world. So here world! Love my baby!! And if you don't . . . . .!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Yeah, so aside from being as tired as a dying animal, I thought I'd try a different simile than the whole dead tired thing . . . Tonight is FRIDAY!! YAY!!! I LOVE YOU FRIDAY!!! I just wish they hadn't gotten ride of Christopher Eccleston!! He was a GREAT Doctor Who!!
Ahh well . . .
On another note I'm in a Creative Writing class and the professor reminds me of professor Trilawny, a Harry Potter reference from years ago when I read it, and so my last post was the poem that I wrote for class today. You see we have a poem do every Friday and so I had Mom and Kat read it over to proof read it for me and since they died laughing I thought that I would share it with the world. So here world! Love my baby!! And if you don't . . . . .!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Yeah, so aside from being as tired as a dying animal, I thought I'd try a different simile than the whole dead tired thing . . . Tonight is FRIDAY!! YAY!!! I LOVE YOU FRIDAY!!! I just wish they hadn't gotten ride of Christopher Eccleston!! He was a GREAT Doctor Who!!
Ahh well . . .
The Rain
The Rain
I am waiting for the calmness to pass away.
Slowly the clouds start to mass like teenagers at a chip bowl,
The storm will break soon, the inevitability is comforting.
Soft warm water washes over me with the strength of a sprinkler,
The rain feels like the world is crying with me.
Are they tears of pain or tears of joy?
To me the are the tears of happiness at the magnificence of the scene before me,
I feel as though it has carried me away.
The rain is all around me,
And yet it is also a part of me.
The world is quiet here.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Everything you ever wanted to know about being Irish, but were afraid to ask!
Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking.
If you cheat, may you cheat death.
If you steal, may you steal a woman's heart.
If you fight, may you fight for a brother.
And if you drink, may you drink with me!
If you cheat, may you cheat death.
If you steal, may you steal a woman's heart.
If you fight, may you fight for a brother.
And if you drink, may you drink with me!
If you’re lucky enough to be Irish... You’re lucky enough!
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."
"May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the palm of his hand."
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
ASL teacher or Escaped Convict on the run?
Well classes started yesterday and things were going pretty well, I have to be at school at 7AM and I get to go home around 7PM, when I got to my Applied Phonetics class. It appears me Prof. thinks I should be in another class WITH the one I'm taking so now I have to actually GET IN the class! - For those inquiring minds - I talked to the senior secretary of the Speech Path. and Audiology Department and she told me she'd get me in . . . Or at least TRY to . . . - But she is not the prof. in question. My ASL, American Sign Language, professor is an interesting lady. . . . She has the look and air of someone evading justice and aside from creeping both me AND Kat out she sorta spaced in and out from Zombie to Convict . . . Kat said she died in that class and that the SG-1 team came and put her in a sarcophagus and resuscitated her and NO ONE NOTICED!! My response was DARN!!! I MISSED IT!!!! Anywho needless to say aside from being zoned I dropped the class and am no free from the constant worry that I might have otherwise had to endure about my runaway professor.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Passion about life
Columbine. No one hears that name without knowing what happened. How could we not? How could anyone forget the event that told parents that their children weren't "safe" anymore when they went off to school. Personally it makes my blood boil. It could've been prevented you know. Most people just ignore me when I get this far. " Ahh, but now you're into wishful thinking." I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. But it doesn't make it less true. It doesn't change reality. There is a story behind columbine, there is ALWAYS a story. How many people actually know it?
The boys in question, the ones who chattered so many lives, we ordinary boys. They were boys who were hurt. Repeatedly. We've all been in that place. The cool kids don't like you, for whatever reason, so no one will talk to you because they want to be able to pretend that the cool kids like them. When in fact they don't. Watch Frank Peretti's Hangman's Curse. Crystal and Ian are those kids. The difference lies in how the situation is handled.
So now we come to my proposal. If even 1 person had reached out to those boys then maybe things wouldn't have turned out the same way. If someone had tried to help them, love them, accept them as they were. And tried to befriend them. Ahh the power of love. It is like a healing balm that washes the soul and helps to drive out the darkness. It tells us that when the night turns to morning, everything will be alright.
But no one did. That is the problem. Everyone goes about in their lives ignoring everyone else because they're in too much pain to care. They tell themselves it's not their problem and that they shouldn't get involved. But they should. If more people started caring about other people and less about themselves then we would live in a different world. Where things like this would happen less and less. . . . Who knows it might even save lives.
No one thinks about the people that God puts in their way most of the time. Like they can't even see them. But those people may be hurting in ways you might not know, and maybe just maybe a smile from you or a kind word. It might make all the difference. Because it might give them the strength to keep going. To live. To try. Because people like them need hope. And people like us should be giving it. So why aren't we? Don't wait for tomorrow. It may never come. Reach out today and save a life one act of kindness at a time. Who knows. It might be what you're remembered for after you've died. Because after all, what is more important? What you're going through? Or that persons life? It starts with a decision and we make it daily. So come on. What's stopping you?
The boys in question, the ones who chattered so many lives, we ordinary boys. They were boys who were hurt. Repeatedly. We've all been in that place. The cool kids don't like you, for whatever reason, so no one will talk to you because they want to be able to pretend that the cool kids like them. When in fact they don't. Watch Frank Peretti's Hangman's Curse. Crystal and Ian are those kids. The difference lies in how the situation is handled.
So now we come to my proposal. If even 1 person had reached out to those boys then maybe things wouldn't have turned out the same way. If someone had tried to help them, love them, accept them as they were. And tried to befriend them. Ahh the power of love. It is like a healing balm that washes the soul and helps to drive out the darkness. It tells us that when the night turns to morning, everything will be alright.
But no one did. That is the problem. Everyone goes about in their lives ignoring everyone else because they're in too much pain to care. They tell themselves it's not their problem and that they shouldn't get involved. But they should. If more people started caring about other people and less about themselves then we would live in a different world. Where things like this would happen less and less. . . . Who knows it might even save lives.
No one thinks about the people that God puts in their way most of the time. Like they can't even see them. But those people may be hurting in ways you might not know, and maybe just maybe a smile from you or a kind word. It might make all the difference. Because it might give them the strength to keep going. To live. To try. Because people like them need hope. And people like us should be giving it. So why aren't we? Don't wait for tomorrow. It may never come. Reach out today and save a life one act of kindness at a time. Who knows. It might be what you're remembered for after you've died. Because after all, what is more important? What you're going through? Or that persons life? It starts with a decision and we make it daily. So come on. What's stopping you?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Good Old Fashioned Hillbilly Fun
Well yesterday my sister, a friend of ours and myself, and the rest of our family, went out to go a shootin'. Yes, I do mean that I actually went out, just for fun mind you, and bought and shot ammunition. And I was pretty good for someone who hasn't done that sort of thing before. If I may say so myself. A double barrel shot gun and a single barrel shot gun. Although my personal favorite was the single barrel. We shot skeet, well Mom and Mike shot skeet and then they put it out quite a distance away and then I shot 3 skeet to my great amusement! All in all it was fun. Although I may not be repeating the experience, at least in the sense of WHERE we went shooting, and I highly doubt that it was for the last time.
I admit that it was fun and it also happens to be a GREAT way to get out aggression . . . Not that I need to mind you . . . . But everyone gets angry so it helps!!
Kat and I were in Sam's Club today and we were passing the whole BIG INSANELY FRIVILOUS TV section and they had a ps2 and a guitar game hooked up and it had a little guitar that reminded me of the kind of guitar that you would buy for a toddler. . . Anywho it was fun, right before we had to leave Kat got the hang of it and we stopped getting booed off the stage . . . . It was quite the spectacle . . . But I enjoyed it. . . .It reminded me of a game I already have called Frequency. . . Which I like as well.
I admit that it was fun and it also happens to be a GREAT way to get out aggression . . . Not that I need to mind you . . . . But everyone gets angry so it helps!!
Kat and I were in Sam's Club today and we were passing the whole BIG INSANELY FRIVILOUS TV section and they had a ps2 and a guitar game hooked up and it had a little guitar that reminded me of the kind of guitar that you would buy for a toddler. . . Anywho it was fun, right before we had to leave Kat got the hang of it and we stopped getting booed off the stage . . . . It was quite the spectacle . . . But I enjoyed it. . . .It reminded me of a game I already have called Frequency. . . Which I like as well.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A sad testimony of a long distance relationship gone horribly, HORRIBLY WRONG!
Jessie I have but this to say to you,
I inexorably blame you! There it HAS FINALLY BEEN SAID!! The truth was eventually going to come out and so what that the time was now. . . Throw all caution to the wind. Let your TRUE SELF BECOME APPARENT!! We ARE LEAVES ON THE WIND WATCH HOW WE SOAR!!!
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I caught you sinus infection . . . And it's a bloody bad one! I also just wanted to say FOR SHAME!! You haven't even e-mailed me in over 2 WHOLE WEEKS!! The love I feel at this moment is STRANGLING ME!! ^_~
Actually, I didn't catch a sinus infection from you, but I thought it would make for an interesting post. I do have one though and it is annoying the Bob out of me!!
I inexorably blame you! There it HAS FINALLY BEEN SAID!! The truth was eventually going to come out and so what that the time was now. . . Throw all caution to the wind. Let your TRUE SELF BECOME APPARENT!! We ARE LEAVES ON THE WIND WATCH HOW WE SOAR!!!
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I caught you sinus infection . . . And it's a bloody bad one! I also just wanted to say FOR SHAME!! You haven't even e-mailed me in over 2 WHOLE WEEKS!! The love I feel at this moment is STRANGLING ME!! ^_~
Actually, I didn't catch a sinus infection from you, but I thought it would make for an interesting post. I do have one though and it is annoying the Bob out of me!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Ah, Tis a Lovelyeth Morn' For Shakespeare
Ah, Hear ye! Hear ye! All who haveth sought the knowledge contained herein in my vasteth braineth. Thy time to learneth mightily is nigh!!
Foreth tonighteth and tonighteth onily shall thy unquenchable thirst be satisfied! Verily I say unto you unless you wish to be mightily ignorant thou shalt taketh advantageth ofeth this offereth of savingeth knowledge! Ask the oldeth man ofeth the mountaineth whateth questionseth thou shalt haveth and they shall be answered unto thou accordingeth to thy Faith . . eth.
Tis a sad statementeth thateth the firsteth one who shalt cometh forth shall be therewith servedeth firsteth! Tis also askethed by my lawyereth thateth thereth beith noeth fighteths for the spoteths. Weeth claimeth noeth responsibilityeth foreth the concussioneths and other mightily unpleasenteth thingseths that shall and moreth than likelyeth willeth befalleth thou!
Alsoeth oneth a moreth pleasenteth noteeth I shalleth beith goingith to the shakespeareth playeth witheth the Mallinakeths tonighteth . . . We thinkith!
Foreth tonighteth and tonighteth onily shall thy unquenchable thirst be satisfied! Verily I say unto you unless you wish to be mightily ignorant thou shalt taketh advantageth ofeth this offereth of savingeth knowledge! Ask the oldeth man ofeth the mountaineth whateth questionseth thou shalt haveth and they shall be answered unto thou accordingeth to thy Faith . . eth.
Tis a sad statementeth thateth the firsteth one who shalt cometh forth shall be therewith servedeth firsteth! Tis also askethed by my lawyereth thateth thereth beith noeth fighteths for the spoteths. Weeth claimeth noeth responsibilityeth foreth the concussioneths and other mightily unpleasenteth thingseths that shall and moreth than likelyeth willeth befalleth thou!
Alsoeth oneth a moreth pleasenteth noteeth I shalleth beith goingith to the shakespeareth playeth witheth the Mallinakeths tonighteth . . . We thinkith!
Monday, July 10, 2006
And The Dead Rise Again!
Well, it has been an interesting weekend for me. Saturday I tragically fell ill with the flu. Just think of it! To be so tragically cut off from the world in the beginnings of my prime!! What injustice! What cruelty! What misery! Oh the sorrow! I can hardly bare to speak of it without pain! - Ahh well! Anywho so I then proceeded to get me bro sick and then I spent Sunday away from the MANY people I know and love! Y'all know who y'are! And I apparently missed John showcasing his new subwofers, Man I hope I spelled that right! And, though I got to hear them over the phone, that's another story, it still wasn't quite the same thing.
So the story with the phone call is that I was txting Mike and Kat to see if church was over because I was totally bummin at being home and I was soooo TOTALLY bored and it was something to do. Plus it just happened to be Mike's B-Day and I wanted to tell him happy birthday, like I do all my peeps! When it suddenly became apparent that he had to leave! Oh irony!! So he left and I got to hear, would it be first hand or second hand?, his new speakers or subwofers if there happens to be a difference.
Which leads me then to the ending of my story. We later that day went to see PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN!!!! (Yes, John I know what you said about the ! thing, but this IS pirates after all and it DESERVES the extra attention! ^_^ ) !!!!!!!!!!!! Which wasn't as good as the first one!! And something happened that COMPLETELY grossed me out!! I mean eck! Who would DO that?? Johnny Depp is a good actor but that went a LITTLE TOO FAR!! Anywho, to get back on track, I left freezing only to have to relive my fever day and spent the rest of the evening with a rather high fever. Which stopped around midnight or 1 I can't remember which. And now I am rather better and back to my "normal" self. . . . . . @_@ . . . . . Whatever THAT is!
So the story with the phone call is that I was txting Mike and Kat to see if church was over because I was totally bummin at being home and I was soooo TOTALLY bored and it was something to do. Plus it just happened to be Mike's B-Day and I wanted to tell him happy birthday, like I do all my peeps! When it suddenly became apparent that he had to leave! Oh irony!! So he left and I got to hear, would it be first hand or second hand?, his new speakers or subwofers if there happens to be a difference.
Which leads me then to the ending of my story. We later that day went to see PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN!!!! (Yes, John I know what you said about the ! thing, but this IS pirates after all and it DESERVES the extra attention! ^_^ ) !!!!!!!!!!!! Which wasn't as good as the first one!! And something happened that COMPLETELY grossed me out!! I mean eck! Who would DO that?? Johnny Depp is a good actor but that went a LITTLE TOO FAR!! Anywho, to get back on track, I left freezing only to have to relive my fever day and spent the rest of the evening with a rather high fever. Which stopped around midnight or 1 I can't remember which. And now I am rather better and back to my "normal" self. . . . . . @_@ . . . . . Whatever THAT is!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A story in the making
This story is like many stories. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It began with my grandmother it continued to my mother and it shall end with me. Hear me. It SHALL end with me. Nothing shall stop me from ending this torment which many consider to be life. I know the truth. We are all of us doomed. ALL of us. I may be the last but I am not alone. I was brought into this world with a purpose and I WILL accomplish it. Hear me Braeden! It will all be over soon. You will claim no more life in your own name. Death ends with you and all that forsake the Light for you and your cause. No more. Do you hear me NO MORE!
I will not tell you whether or not the contents of this account are true or not. You must judge for yourself. Remember this. Carry it with you that you may in time be able to see the defilement of the Light that our common enemy is bringing against us. That you may be able to defend yourselves when I am no more and when those like me are gone. Perhaps forever. Carry this with you that you may understand and through understanding not follow the same path. I beg of you whoever you may be, please remember this account! If for no other reason than this: that you may live a life different from mine. That you may NOT live as I have lived.
Well, lemme know whatcha think!
I will not tell you whether or not the contents of this account are true or not. You must judge for yourself. Remember this. Carry it with you that you may in time be able to see the defilement of the Light that our common enemy is bringing against us. That you may be able to defend yourselves when I am no more and when those like me are gone. Perhaps forever. Carry this with you that you may understand and through understanding not follow the same path. I beg of you whoever you may be, please remember this account! If for no other reason than this: that you may live a life different from mine. That you may NOT live as I have lived.
Well, lemme know whatcha think!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
And Then She Was Gone
I came across this poem and I liked it so much that I decided that I would post it.
And Then She Was Gone
She chose to walk alone
Though others wondered why
Refused to look before her
Eyes cast upwards
Toward the sky
She didn't have companions
No need for earthly things
Only wanted freedom
From what she felt were
Puppet strings
She longed to be a bird
That she might fly away
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay
She longed to be a flame
That brightly danced alone
Felt jealous of the stream
That made the air its only home
Some say she wished too hard
Some say she wished too long
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone
The trees, they say stood witness
The sky refused to tell
But someone who had seen it said
The story played out well
She spread her arms out wide
Breathed in the break of dawn
She just let go of all she held
And then she was gone.
She chose to walk alone
Though others wondered why
Refused to look before her
Eyes cast upwards
Toward the sky
She didn't have companions
No need for earthly things
Only wanted freedom
From what she felt were
Puppet strings
She longed to be a bird
That she might fly away
She pitied every blade of grass
For planted they would stay
She longed to be a flame
That brightly danced alone
Felt jealous of the stream
That made the air its only home
Some say she wished too hard
Some say she wished too long
But we awoke one autumn day
To find that she was gone
The trees, they say stood witness
The sky refused to tell
But someone who had seen it said
The story played out well
She spread her arms out wide
Breathed in the break of dawn
She just let go of all she held
And then she was gone.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
CAPTIVATING!!! - Also known as A MUST READ!
Captivating. Over the many decades of human existence there have been many achievements to credit the human race. . . This is one of them. Captivating. To many of my readers you may have heard of Wild at Heart, well ladies we've waited long enough. Captivating is for us. And let me tell you something it is EVERYTHING WE NEED AND MORE! Sometimes, well most of the time, we women forget the important things about ourselves. . . The main thing being that not only do we matter but GOD MADE US TO MATTER. . . Yes, we hear this all the time, but read the book and you will soon see what I mean. We spend most of our lives feeling somehow inadequate. Like we're missing something, and this book helps to address those things in our lives. READ IT, it WILL help. . . It REALLY helped my sister and I can't even begin to tell you what all THAT means, as I have taken a vow of secrecy and would have to kill you unless she SPECIFICALLY told me that you could know. That you had been given the necessary clearance, so read. Be open to truth and become the woman that you were made to be. I don't mean that this book will magically make you better. It isn't a "fix it" book. What it is,however, is a book that I need to read myself! - Yes, and when I have actually read it cover to cover, that is IF I can get my sister to part with it, I will tell more about it but all women should read it!
Monday, June 19, 2006
The Boringness of the Mundane
Well. . . Later today should break up the "boringness" of the mundane way life has been going as of late. After all who couldn't have fun with the Murphy's?? - Especially when Mrs. Murphy gets going!! Wo! That gal can crack a joke!! And another . . . And another . . . And another . . . Yeah, you get the idea. Anywho, (when I figure out where I got that I'll fill you in) they're expected later and it should turn out to be an interesting experience.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
The Akron Air Show
Ok. So today I went with my sister to the Akron Air Show and we met up with a friend - Jessica McGuckin - and had fun talking to her. Which was the only good part of an otherwise boring 2 and a half hours of watching planes do stuff. . . NOT my thing. . . Last night I got to tease Mike Hoffman by telling him I had no idea what plane he was talking about was and he went all "lecture" mode on me and I just stood there trying to not space out. - It all went over my head!- You see to learn about Nutrition I had to delete some of my prior knowledge about something, it just turned out to be World War 1. - My brother STILL tries to get me to RE-learn it to no avail. . . - So the whole plane thing would've made me delete something else and the elves were already working overtime since I haven't gotten much sleep this week. Woh!! - ? - THAT would be difficult to say fast. . . . But not worse than saying "We have a Fully Functional Forcefield" THAT would be HARD to say drunk!! Yay Doctor Who!! I'm sooo mad they got ride of Christopher Eccleston (Ecclesten??) as the doctor!!! But Hey!! It's just tv. . . And BAD British tv at that . . . I wonder why I love it soo much??!!
Hello school year!! You are fast approaching and I don't like it!!! Wait!! At least for another couple of months!!! Maybe I'll even learn a new language before you come!! You hail the dawning of a new decade in my life and I like things the way they are . . . Ok. Mabe not the way they ARE but you get the idea!!
Last night I went to a drive in movie with the Murphy's for like the first time ever!! Who knew that drive in's still exsisted?? Because I sure didn't!!! And it was FREEZING!!!! I turned out to be SOOOO glad that they brought extra blankets because Kat and I needed them!!! Daniel's cold got worse since last night, but we'll survive!! I hope!!
Well I'm off to do good deeds and to make dinner and get things together so I can knock the socks off my family. . .. And help my mom out a little!!! Maybe I'll even make some chocolate ecclaires!!!
Hello school year!! You are fast approaching and I don't like it!!! Wait!! At least for another couple of months!!! Maybe I'll even learn a new language before you come!! You hail the dawning of a new decade in my life and I like things the way they are . . . Ok. Mabe not the way they ARE but you get the idea!!
Last night I went to a drive in movie with the Murphy's for like the first time ever!! Who knew that drive in's still exsisted?? Because I sure didn't!!! And it was FREEZING!!!! I turned out to be SOOOO glad that they brought extra blankets because Kat and I needed them!!! Daniel's cold got worse since last night, but we'll survive!! I hope!!
Well I'm off to do good deeds and to make dinner and get things together so I can knock the socks off my family. . .. And help my mom out a little!!! Maybe I'll even make some chocolate ecclaires!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Jessie Is Coming Over Tomorrow!!!!!!!
Jessie is coming over tomorrow night!!! YAY!!!!!!! I SOO can't wait it's been SOOOOO long since I've seen Jessie!!! Jessie, I love you hun!! We will SOO have a lot of fun when you come over!!! Maybe we'll watch Riverdance and Ad Lib to it!!! Wouldn't THAT be fun!!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Well I never thought I'd ever be a behind the stage kinda gal but here I am working behind the scenes for a dance show!! I have always loved being IN the lime light and now I'm backstage left of the lime light!! Who would've guessed??!! I also feel the need to admit to the fact that I am completely enjoying it. Another surprise for me!! I always thought I'd hate it and here I am hardly able to wait until Friday when I go back for the final dress rehearsal!! Wow!! Who would've thunk it?? Dancing in and of itself isn't really my thing but theatre is and so here I am!! It is soo much fun and watching the little girls get ready is something of an amusing nature!! But through it all I realize that God wanted me here for a reason so now all I have to do is figure it out!! - Although I think I finally figured it all out!! The dance troup leader was having trouble with some of the help she had and so here I am serving her and helping her get her dance performance ready!! Propland here I come!!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Today marks the begining of the end
Well, as many of you know today is officially the begining of the end. It has been said therefore it is. . . O.k. Now that THAT is out of the way . . .
Faith. A powerful word. But just what does it mean?? What IS faith?? Is it those moments when you tell God what you want and expect Him to give it to you??
The Israelites had no Faith in God. Repeatedly Jesus was saying "Oh yea of LITTLE FAITH" so the logical conclusion is that they just didn't what?? . . Were they missing some magical formula?? They cetainly had the law down enough! But they WERE missing something. . . So what was it??
Biblically speaking "Faith is the evidence of things hoped for but not seen as yet." Well what in the world does THAT mean?? There is still something missing for us to fully grasp this concept.
"If you abide in me (if we abide in God), and my words abide in you (Scripture is in our hearts) than you may ask what you will of the Father and it will be granted to you . ."
Thus we come to the conclusion of everything. If we know God's word than we know God. We spend time with Him and know Him like we would know anyone else. Therefore we can ask Him for something and He will grant it to us because we will ask for it according to HIS WILL!! Faith is merely believing that God is who He said He is and that He will do what He said He would.
I apologize for not remembering where I got those verses!! I am pretty good at memorizing Scriptures . . . . Just not where they come from . . I.e. which book and what chapter and what verse . . . Etc. . . Anywho!! Enjoy!!
Faith. A powerful word. But just what does it mean?? What IS faith?? Is it those moments when you tell God what you want and expect Him to give it to you??
The Israelites had no Faith in God. Repeatedly Jesus was saying "Oh yea of LITTLE FAITH" so the logical conclusion is that they just didn't what?? . . Were they missing some magical formula?? They cetainly had the law down enough! But they WERE missing something. . . So what was it??
Biblically speaking "Faith is the evidence of things hoped for but not seen as yet." Well what in the world does THAT mean?? There is still something missing for us to fully grasp this concept.
"If you abide in me (if we abide in God), and my words abide in you (Scripture is in our hearts) than you may ask what you will of the Father and it will be granted to you . ."
Thus we come to the conclusion of everything. If we know God's word than we know God. We spend time with Him and know Him like we would know anyone else. Therefore we can ask Him for something and He will grant it to us because we will ask for it according to HIS WILL!! Faith is merely believing that God is who He said He is and that He will do what He said He would.
I apologize for not remembering where I got those verses!! I am pretty good at memorizing Scriptures . . . . Just not where they come from . . I.e. which book and what chapter and what verse . . . Etc. . . Anywho!! Enjoy!!
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